A full blown GTM business for $20...

Global Traffic Matrix (GTM) have introduced an entry level package called FAM where members can spend just $20 to become a member. The normal cost of annual membership is $149 so you can see that this is an attractive option for many people.

As FAM members earn commissions from the business these will be set against the remaining balance of the full membership cost until it is fully paid off.

So what business will the new member be part of?

On signing up the member will have access to EdsWire which is a service providing real internet bargains on the things people want to buy such as laptops, TV's, phones etc. Also, they can source deals on many service sites such as travel (coming late October 09) so the FAM member will have a lot of scope to encourage people to purchase from their site. Latest additions to EdsWire are companies such as WalMart online and ADT security.

By encouraging people to sign up for EdsWire you are giving them access to a weekly newsletter that provides the best bargains to be found on the internet. If they want to learn more about FAM membership then go to the bottom of the page and click the FAM link.

Once the full membership cost of GTM is recouped then the FAM member will have access to the whole GTM package which includes Ads on Autopilot and the Ultimate Branding Tool.

To help the FAM member manage their business they will be able to use all of the back office services that GTM will be providing to their full paying members. These include a Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) system and full training package.

What this means is that anyone who is prepared to put in some effort to build a real business based on things people buy regularly have a highly cost effective way to begin.

Many people held back from joining GTM given the cost of full membership, now that barrier has been reduced to a level that virtually anyone can afford. For more information have a look at EdsWire.

Just note that the FAM process is being carried out manually so if you apply please allow some hours for everything to be setup.

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