FAP Turbo releases new version...

Yesterday I received an email to tell me that FAP Turbo has a new version to download. The new version 36 is available for download in the members area. Updates include better management of broker offquotes and the ability to trigger sounds when FAP Turbo makes a trade. There is also a facility to have emails sent to you once a trade is made.

This update was issued slightly ahead of the planned one for the 15th January so there is time to install before version 23 becomes inactive. One thing I did notice was that version 36 is valid until mid March so an extra month built in there.

Following fairly quickly on from this email was another one to say that some people were having problems getting the latest version active in their live account. If this happens you will need to go back to the member area and request a new activation code for the live account. To facilitate this FAP Turbo have 'flushed' activation codes for existing accounts.

I installed the new version on my VPS yesterday and as it was the weekend I waited until today to fully activate it. As it happened I had the problem described above with activation but it was soon remedied by requesting a new activation code for my live account. All now seems to be working and I will monitor later on tonight when it is likely to trade.
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