Fap Turbo works, the Broker doesn't...

It's been some time since I've mentioned Fap Turbo, the Forex betting robot. The main reason for this was that I'd decided not to use it anymore after making a loss on my account.

Now, let me say straight away that I don't think my losses are down to Fap Turbo. The main reason was that the broker I used was not suitable. Their spreads were too wide on the pairs traded so the robot wasn't able to trade profitably.

So how can I make the assertion that Fap Turbo works? Quite simply because other people have made money and continue to do so but with other brokers.

I personally know of three groups who continue to make money using the robot. I know two of them use Alpari as their broker so I am looking to sign up with them when sufficient funds become available.

The current price for Fap Turbo is $149 and a message on their site dated 05 July suggests that the price will rise to $399 after another 27 systems have been sold. CAVEAT EMPTOR: This number of copies has been on the site for a long time so the 'threat' may be a marketing ploy.

So, the lesson is that if you want to try Fap Turbo then make sure you choose a suitable broker.

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