Global Pension Plan publishes update...

Having recently posted about Imperia Invest it's good to see that Global Pension Plan are still beavering away to reach a successful payday.

However, there was some unfortunate news. It seems that the Admin, known to all as Stella is having to step down due to illness. There are not many details about this but it is mentioned that the stress involved in organising the payouts has created a very stressful situation for Stella. It seems a shame for her to have come this far and not be there to see everything finally completed.

The update published suggests that work is progressing well and that the next communication will be to tell investors of a potential payout date.

Personally, I'm not a great believer in published dates as there are many things that can happen to throw things off course but it is good to see that Global Pension Plan are moving forward.

So, after a fairly quiet period it does seem that investments are getting closer to a successful conclusion. Let's hope the positive news spreads and continues.

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