High Stake Holdings (HSH) suffer from hacker attack...

Today I've received two emails explaining that the High Stake Holdings (HSH) website has suffered from attacks by hackers which is delaying the company's ability to provide further information for progressing payments.

I don't have the facts from the company so can only repeat what is being reported to me. It seems that attacks on the member database have caused problems leading to the website being taken down and a maintenance page being shown instead.

For some people this has created a red flag and accusations have been made that the whole thing is a scam. As far as I can tell this is not the situation. HSH have taken part in conference calls with various members and are working to overcome the problems.

We'll have to wait and see what the eventual outcome is but there really is no evidence that the programme is a scam. Like everyone who has invested I'm only able to get news of what is happening from other sources than the company itself so I'm as keen as everyone to see a positive solution.

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