How to Use Alltop to Add Content to Your Website, Blog, and Feed Reader

We’ve enabled people to access and repurpose the website and blog feeds that we’ve curated at Alltop:

Widget. Create a widget of any Alltop site by going here. Then you can deploy these widgets in your blogs. These widgets display the five most popular stories from the respective topic. This is a great way to add fresh content to your website or blog with very little work. To see a list of “all the topics” that may be relevant, go here.

RSS feed. Grab the RSS feed of any Alltop topic by clicking on the RSS symbol in your browser’s navigation area. Then you can use a feed reader to read all the posts from that Alltop topic. You can also build your own widgets from our RSS feed.

OPML. Add “opml” to any Alltop URL to obtain the OPML file of that topic—for example, This file contains all the RSS feed addresses of the websites and blogs in the respective topic.

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