London Gold Exchange service in overdrive...

One of the more frustrating things about online investing is the general need to make deposits via web based payment processors. Admittedly some programmes allow you to pay by bank wire but this can be expensive.

So, accepting that payment processors have to be used how do we get our funds to them. Personally I use London Gold Exchange and have done for several years. They are reliable and their delivery seems to speed up every time I use them.

For example, I needed to transfer funds to a payment processor account last week. I logged in to London Gold Exchange and set up a payment to my payment processor account. Then, I logged into my online bank account and arranged an electronic payment to London Gold Exchange. Next I emailed my payment details to LGE. In total it took me about 10 minutes to do all this.

I was pleasantly surprised to receive emails from both London Gold Exchange and my payment processor to confirm that the transaction had been completed within six hours of starting. Kudos here to both my bank and LGE for making this work so quickly and smoothly.

If you are thinking of venturing into the world of online investment then I'd highly recommend London Gold Exchange to be part of your portfolio.

If this post sounds somewhat biased then I'll put my hand up to that but I feel that great service deserves to be acknowledged.

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