Money News Online a trusted source for HYIP news...

Making money from online investments has always been risky and frustrating. In the early days so-called High Yield Investment Programs (HYIP) were the main way in which people invested. Unfortunately many of them were scams and most people became quickly disillusioned with the whole idea of investing online.

For those of us that have stuck it out HYIP's are no longer our main focus as there are other more legitimate ways to make money, many of which are showcased on my blog, Online Investing to Earn Money.

That doesn't mean to say however that HYIP's have disappeared, in fact this is far from the truth as the 'industry' is still going strong and attracting a rising amount of interest.

For me, I am still on the outside looking in for the time being but others are making regular investments. I should say right away that whilst these opportunities are promoted as High Yield this does bring with it in most cases higher risk so nothing has changed much in that regard.

My interest was re-ignited when I came across the Money News Online blog. The owner of this blog does a great job of reviewing and keeping an eye on the many HYIP's that exist today and is normally very quick to spot new ones as they come online.

Writing posts on a regular basis means that all the news is up to date and I do believe that he tries to advise his readers in a sensible manner on whether a particular HYIP is worth investing in.

His popularity means that the majority of HYIP owners are keen to be interviewed by him as his blog carries a high degree of credibility.

Personally, I find some of the interviews lack depth and rigour but clearly this may be down to the way in which interviews are carried out, mainly by email as far as I can determine.

The owner is clearly a big fan of these types of investments but he is also astute enough to know that none of them are guaranteed to be around for the long term so his advice to recoup your initial investment as quickly as possible couldn't be more appropriate in these circumstances.

There are a couple of programs that he has recommended that I am keeping a close eye on and when I get the opportunity I will write about them on my blog.

If you are keen to see what else is on offer in the world of online investing then I'd recommend you take a look at Money News Online soon.

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