Musings from 2 great Blog Meisters

Two blogs that I am a regular reader of are Dosh Dosh and Mike's Money Making Mission as I find both contain useful information to help those of us interested in making money online (especially through blogging).

The reason I'm mentioning the two blogs is that they've been running two articles that complement each other and therefore confirming the old adage 'Two Heads are better than One'.

Firstly, Mike is running a short three part series on Making Money with Free Blogs and describes in part 2 some of the ways to attract visitors to your blog, one way specifically being to join relevant forums. Clearly this is an essential element for someone who is looking to monetise their content. To add meat to the bones of Mike's post Maki over at Dosh Dosh provides a well researched list of 26 Forums that anyone who wants to learn more and contribute their own knowledge would be wise to take note of.

Now you probably won't be able to contribute to all the forums as you might have a life to live but at least a lot of the hard work in finding suitable sources has been done for you.

The reason I was able to pick up on the posts in question is because I have subscribed to the feeds on both the above blogs. If you find a source of information that you feel will be useful then I'd encourage you to seek out the feed link so that you will always be kept up to date with any new information.
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