Price rises for FAP Turbo...

Probably not a great way to encourage a sale by saying prices are rising but ironically this could actually save you money in the short term. In my last post I introduced you to FAP Turbo and I wanted to give a quick update on what developments are happening.

As I said in the original post the cost of the software was going up from $97 to $149 on 01 December. This has now happened so those who hesitated have lost the first chance to benefit but don't despair as all is not lost. The system is selling well and I've heard that once another 100 copies are sold at the $149 level the price will rise again to above $300. So, now is the time to act. If you want to learn more then you can learn more on the FAP Turbo sales page.

I know many previous sites have threatened price rises when certain sales levels have been reached but many don't follow through. FAP Turbo is clearly different.

I should also mention the option for remote hosting that is available. If you decide to run the system on your own hardware then you need to be aware that it will have to be connected to the internet for extended periods of time during the week. The alternative is to use a dedicated virtual hosting solution which reduces the risk of any problems through lack of connection. There is a monthly charge of $69.95 but you should weigh this against the convenience that such a service provides. More details are available at FAP Turbo
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