Thirty Dollar Unit (TDU) publish payment details...

After what seems a lifetime Thirty Dollar Unit have published the details that people will need to provide to get paid from the programme.

I'll admit that often I was doubtful whether we would ever get this far but as I've said many times patience is a major part of online investing.

I'm not going to post the precise details in this post as that may expose the programme to some risk. So, if you invested in Thirty Dollar Unit and you want to get paid then you will need to head over to the TDU forum.

If you haven't already registered there then you might encounter a problem so I'd advise you to get back to your sponsor to see if they have the necessary details.

Now, of course, we haven't seen any funds in our accounts as yet so we are still not in a position to say that TDU is a success but at least we are a step nearer.

One last note, please be careful when filling out the details as no questions can be asked and only one submission per member will be allowed.

Let's hope this is one that actually does pay out.

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