Why online investing shouldn't be a hard sell...

If you are a regular reader of my blog you'll appreciate that the majority of my posts contain affiliate links to the sites discussed in the post.

So, am I trying to hard sell you what I discuss in order to receive affiliate commissions? I hope the answer is no, at least about the hard sell piece.

I don't deny that I use affiliate links as I would like you to join the opportunity I am posting about given that I think it is worthwhile.

In fact I admit myself that if I see something that looks interesting but the person promoting it is doing what I consider to be a hard sell then more often that not I would go to the website directly rather than use the affiliate link. So, for me it is important that anything presented to me is given some balance. There is no perfect online opportunity (at least as far as I can tell) so I won't believe anyone who tries to promote something as the new answer to online riches without pointing out some of the less attractive features.

Recently I've been looking at past posts on the blog and decided that I've had something of a scatter gun approach to what I post about. I need to focus more on what I consider to be true online investment opportunities so in the future you should see a slight shift of emphasis.

As far as possible anything I post about will represent a genuine online investment opportunity, some may be passive and some may require effort on your part if you decide to invest.

I will continue to use affiliate links in my posts and I hope that the information I provide will enable you to judge for yourself on whether it is worth pursuing further. If you think that I am guilty of too much hard sell then please leave a comment to that effect. Like everyone I'm not perfect so the odd pointer will be a good lesson for me.

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