Zimbabwe Inflation 56,807,877%

With the sham re-election in Zimbabwe of the incompetent thug, Robert Mugabe, its timely to note that inflation - the ultimate indicator of government failure - has risen, by my calculations, 56,807,877% - give or take a couple hundred thousand percent - over the past year, assuming the inflation index lows occurred 12 months ago, not an unreasonable assumption.

Josh estimates that last weekend, the annual rate of inflation was 430,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000% per annum. 

I don't even know how to pronounce that number.

The good news is that Mugabe may not last much longer.  As Johan Norberg notes

... no leader ever survives hyperinflation, because it doesn´t just threaten most people´s survival, in the long run most of his privileged supporters also see their privileges stolen by the destruction of money.

Here's hoping.

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