How to Change the World

How I Tweet: Just the FAQs


  • Question: How can you follow so many people?

    Answer: I don’t read the timelines of all the people that I follow. Instead, I only deal with @s, Directs, and tweets that contain “guykawasaki” and “alltop.” I am not reading everything everyone I follow tweets, but I answer almost every @ and Direct.

Why I'm More of a Believer in GM

What better pictures to post on the 4th of July than ones of a good ole, red-blooded Corvette. My buddies in the GM PR department loaned me one to drive for a week after we connected on Twitter—yet another frequently overlooked of tweeting!

How to Achieve Revenue

The harsh reality of the startup scene today is that revenue is the best, and maybe only, form of funding. While many conferences focus on gaining the attention of investors, we’ve put one together that focuses on generating revenue.

Reality Check Now Available in French

Vient de paraître en français:

La réalité de l'entrepreneuriat

Le guide irrévérencieux pour dépasser, devancer, distancer vos concurrents

de Guy Kawasaki

Publié en français par les Editions Diateino, avec l'aimable autorisation de Portfolio, Penguin Group. 26 euros.

Sites Used at San Diego Venture Group Speech

These are the sites and applications that I used in today’s San Diego Venture Group speech about using social media as a marketing tool.

Making Connections


LinkedIn: Find References

LinkedIn: Companies

LinkedIn: Answers: Home

How Mayo Clinic Uses Social Media

Over at the American Express Open Forum I posted an interview with Lee Aase. He manages syndication and social media for Mayo Clinic. In this interview he explains the history of Mayo Clinic’s use of social media and how effective this effort has been. If you’re considering social media for your organization, it’s a worthwhile read. Click here to read it.

How to Use Alltop to Add Content to Your Website, Blog, and Feed Reader

We’ve enabled people to access and repurpose the website and blog feeds that we’ve curated at Alltop:

A Good Guide to Social Marketing

I came across a good guide to social marketing that you might find interesting. It’s called “Social Marketing Playbook,” and the folks at 360i wrote it. You can read and download it here.

One Reason Why I bought the New iPhone

I take a lot of close-up pictures of very important things.

Old iPhone.

New iPhone.

How to Get Your Back Covered

Over at the American Express Open Forum I posted an interview with Keith Ferrazzi, the author of Who’s Got Your Back. Keith’s preview book, Never Eat Alone was a huge success. In my interview he explains how executives can improve their success by forming a team of hardcore advisors. Click here to read it.