Asset Protection - 7 sites to get you started...

Anyone contemplating an online investment should also consider what steps they need to take to make sure that any gains are managed in the most effective manner.

I am not talking about anything unlawful here, more the right of every individual to create a tax efficient structure that will allow them to fully enjoy the rewards that they have risked their own money on.

To help provide a resource where you can find out more I'm listing 7 online sources where you will be able to learn more and if needed pursue solutions for your own individual needs.

The list below is not exhaustive but does contain recommendations that I have found both from personal experience and from trusted sources. I am not recommending any one service over another, that is a purely personal decision and you need to spend time on learning and researching to find the right answer:

You'll notice that the sites are a mixture of advice and practical assistance in creating the right asset protection for your own needs. If you already have knowledge of a particular service (or one not shown above) then feel free to leave a comment and I can research further.

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