AutoXTen keeps on growing, YOU need to join now…
In the last seven days over 26,000 people have signed up to AutoXTen. And as this is pre-launch the future looks even better. Forecasts are for 200,000 people enrolled by late summer.
What is the attraction of this particular opportunity? On the face of it little real evidence has been offered that would convince someone this would work. There are certainly rich rewards on offer to those who fully participate so perhaps that is what has everyone buzzing.
I listened to the regular call last night and came away thinking that there really is traction here. Currently the website shows images of the type of products that will be on offer once things go live. The message last night was that in a few days prospects will be able to see exactly what you will get for your payments. For me this is a very positive move as not knowing what you get for your money is a definite block for many people.
Every time I listen to the AutoXTen call I am impressed by the sincerity shown by Scott Chambers as he explains what is going on to build the business. One very positive aspect is the fact that new features are constantly being added to the website and in the back office so there is a definite intent to see this happen.
The momentum that is clearly building is a sign to anyone interested that now is a great time to sign up as you will be able to benefit from the huge numbers expected to join when the system goes live.
Of course, much is made of the fact that you don’t have to involve others if you choose not to but again in reality the real rewards happen if you have people you have personally sponsored join up. This doesn’t mean blitzing the neighbourhood to sign up hundreds as even just one or two can make a huge difference to your returns.
I am looking for people who are interested in joining AutoXTen as part of my team. Could you be one? If you join the team I will provide as much help as I can to help you get your own personal sign-ups.
Every day that passes the numbers increase, doesn’t it make sense to sign up for free now (no money will be taken until launch). This way you can do your own due diligence to satisfy any doubts or concerns you may have.
As I say if you sign up at AutoXTen with me you can look forward to a very rosy financial future.
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