“But Which Type Of Gold Investment Should I Be Buying?”
(HINT: The Kind You Can Save $600 An Ounce On, Duh!)
Yesterday, Tim Geithner stumbled out before the press and managed to say everything - and nothing - at the same time.
Let’s start with the obvious - “The recession is putting great pressure on banks.”
Really, Tim? We had no idea.
By saying nothing of substance, Geithner confirmed Wall Street’s worst fears: that Washington doesn’t understand the fix we’re in. (And even if they did - could they do a darn thing about it?)
We just watched the Dow plunge 382 points… And I wouldn’t be surprised if our next stop was 7,000.
However, One Investment Is Bucking The Trend…
Since December, gold has jumped 22.5% (from US$767 to US$940 an ounce). And I firmly believe we’ll see it trading for US$1,500 (even US$2,000) an ounce in the not-too-distant future.
If you’re thinking about buying some physical gold, you are not alone. Depending on where you look - you might even get shut out!
High demand for the yellow metal is rippling across the globe - from estate sales to eBay to the halls of Wall Street hedge funds.
Heck, I even heard that a luxury resort in Abu Dhabi is serving gold - sprinkling it on ice cream sundaes. (I’m not kidding - diners have literally devoured over US$500,000 worth of gold flakes!)
Now I’ve heard of “biting” a coin to see if it’s real - but swallowing it whole? That takes “Gold Bug” to a whole new level.
“What’s The Best Way to Hold Gold?”
Obviously - it’s not in your stomach.
Lately, my reader mailbag has been full of questions about bullion bars, mint certificates, e-gold and coins.
I’ll admit - it can be confusing to know what to buy or how to get a good deal.
My view is that every ounce counts - and you shouldn’t overpay just because some guy tries to “spook” you into a sale.
Before You Spend Even a Penny On (Any Form) of Physical Gold,
Here’s What You Need to Know:
One of the most popular ways to buy gold is through a certificate program - like the one made famous by Australia’s Perth Mint.
You hand over some cash - they give you a certificate that proclaims, “100 ounces of gold are being stored in your name.”
Don’t get me wrong - this is normally a safe way to own gold. The only downside is, you’re holding a piece of paper and THEY have your gold. In a time of economic crisis - this could pose a problem.
For example, what if, God forbid, international communications break down? Meanwhile your gold could be tied up, thousands of miles away.
I say this not to scare you out of holding gold certificates - but to prove the point that no one should hold all their gold in one location.
Okay, But What About…Bullion Bars??
Bullion bars offer an easy way to acquire 100 to 1,000+ ounces of gold - and pay a minimal “mark-up” or “premium” over the spot price.
That’s why I recommend them as part of your overall portfolio.
But still, there are two drawbacks to consider:
First - bullion bars take up a good deal of space. They can be expensive to insure, and store. In that way, they lose a little bit of their price advantage.
Secondly - I’m wary of another round of government confiscation. If the Obama administration follows in the footsteps of Franklin Roosevelt and outlaws gold ownership - bullion will be one of the first gold investments that gets seized and carted away.
How About American Gold Eagle coins…
Are They Good??
Bullion coins are enjoying a renaissance of sorts. In fact, yesterday’s Financial Times reported that coin sales have reached their highest level since 1988!
Last year, panicked investors stormed the U.S. Mint and bought up every Gold Eagle and Buffalo coin they had in stock.
Today, they’re still struggling to keep up with demand.
Yet I would NEVER advise you to buy a single coin from the U.S. mint.
I’m serious. Don’t touch them. They are way overpriced. Just because thousands of people are fleeing paper money doesn’t mean you should join their bidding war.
Here’s a BETTER Alternative… That Could Save You $600 an Ounce!
Recently, I’ve been researching different ways to own gold - and two months ago - I came across a little-known form of the yellow metal.
The shocking thing is, it has outperformed “normal” gold investments by a factor of 10… or more!
During the great Depression - it soared 69% overnight. And according to the indicators I track, it has equal potential today. Bottom line, it belongs in EVERY investor’s portfolio (at least in my opinion).
There’s just one problem - there’s very little to go around.
Here’s what I mean: Last year when 1.2 million of these “little guys” were offered, they sold out in just 11 months…now…this year a similar offering has been made, except, and this is critical - that 1.2 million has plummeted to just 50,000. That’s all that are being made available in 2009 - creating huge demand.
On eBay, “gold bugs” are lining up to pay over US$1,500 per ounce for this little-known investment… The World Gold Council says demand has spiked by 121%…causing national mints to shut down production.
Truth is, and it’s unfortunate, but only 1 out of every 300 our readers will even get an opportunity to invest in this rare form of gold - again, I’m sorry, that’s just the way it is - I don’t control the mints (especially not the foreign ones).
However, thanks to a recent cocktail meeting with a high-level gold executive - who wished not to be named - I’ve discovered a ‘weird’ little technique that could enable you to secure possibly as many as 10 (or more) of these wealth-builders - in the next 10 days - assuming you “get in” before they completely sell out!
FREE Webinar Reveals: How To Save $600 An Ounce,
Limited Seating, Register Now!
Listen. Come closer. This is no time to mess around.
The Feds are meddling with the economy to an extent I’ve never seen before - these “trillion dollar actions” have clear-cut consequences for your portfolio.
I will not say this little-known gold investment will not cure your every ailment, it will not. There are no magic “one-size-fits-all” solution. However, I can say with absolute confidence, those who sit idly by, watch passively, and remain paralyzed as the storm continues to “blow” will suffer the worst.
Doing “nothing“ is not an option. Not now.
As of this writing, 2,372 other “gold bugs” have already registered, re-arranged their schedules - and best of all - chosen to be proactive. Spots are limited - please click here to see if you qualify to attend.
You will discover there is simply no better way to own gold, right now, than in this rather peculiar little form.
Sincerely, Eric Roseman
Investment Director
P.S. Who would’ve ever thought it’d be possible to buy gold at a savings of US$600 an ounce? Certainly not me. My goal for you after this webinar is for you to immediately shutdown your computer, hang up the phone, and start using the strategies I share with you. Pretty cool, huh? See you there - register now!
- Read original article.
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