For AutoXTen to succeed for YOU understand the compensation plan..
Now that AutoXTen has been live for a while it’s interesting to see what sort of reactions are being generated.
Many of the search terms I see my site being found for are asking whether AutoXTen is a scam. The reason for this is probably misunderstandings of how the whols thing works.
I’ve said right from the start that AutoXTen is a business and to be successful anyone who joins must take that to heart and more importantly take action.
Much of the frustrations being felt appear to centre around the compensation plan and how it works. Whilst there was a video on the main page that tried to explain the compensation plan not everyone seems to have paid that much attention to it. It appears they were banking on the spillover that was supposed to happen. In the vast majority of cases it didn’t so many became frustrated and felt that they were being done a disservice.
In reality of course there was no deception it’s just that people think that they can do very little but still get rewarded for it.
In an attempt to clarify some of the issues about the compensation plan Michael Beal has created a video that is designed to make things easier to understand.
Once you understand just how the plan works you’ll see that rewards are possible but they won’t just pop out of thin air. Take a look at Mike’s video and then go to my AutoXTen site to join up. If you are prepared to put in the effort I will provide as much support as I can.
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- AutoXTen compensation plan tweaks…protecting profits for all
- 7 reasons why AutoXTen should be part of YOUR life…
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- Read original article.
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