For My Blog Diary: Whirlwind Notes On Blogs In 2007
For a snapshot of what I am sensing in 2007:
- Growth in blogs slowing, growth in blog posts slowing (and mainstream media more in balance and cognizant of blogs)
- Corporate blogs growing, but many companies still on the fence with no plans to use blogs (and even if they did would they be effective?)
- Companies seem much more aware of monitoring blog frenzies (e.g., iPhone, Sprint)
- Newer web constructs like Squidoo growing (but does the average person have a clue about this?)
- Personal attention crash looming (if not already here)
Compare this to what we saw in 2003-2004 and the rise of the blog in 2004.
- Read original article.
- Delicious
- Digg
- Magnoliacom
- Yahoo
- 2454 reads