Global Traffic Matrix delving deeper...

In my previous posts about GTM I've explained that this is a new opportunity where website Traffic is the 'product'. Every website needs traffic but many people don't know how or where to get traffic from.

When you join GTM you will be in a position to purchase guaranteed traffic and be able to select where to send it. Let's look at some examples:

Mandy has been in network marketing for many years and believes that her health related products provide great benefits to her customers. She is keen to build her business and to showcase the great benefits she believes come from the use of her products. As a member of the company she has a website dedicated to profile all the products that the company offers and that explains about the business opportunity. To ensure that Mandy gets a good level of traffic to her site she joins GTM and purchases the monthly autoship which results in a constant stream of high quality traffic being sent to her site.

Darren has little experience of working online but sees the potential opportunity that the internet can provide for him. He doesn't have any specific products of his own to market but having talked to his GTM sponsor he knows that this is not necessarily a problem. He joins GTM and purchases the monthly autoship. In this example he decides to commit all his traffic to the Ads on Autopilot service that GTM work with. This way he knows that the potential to create additional income is good as the service provides visitors with the best online offers at the time.

For Karen the GTM service is a great way for her to market the products she is an affiliate of. She has chosen two products that she is very keen to work with and promote and sees that GTM is an ideal vehicle. Thinking about it some more she decides that when she starts her autoship package she will send 60% of the traffic to the affiliate sites and the remaining 40% to the Ads on Autopilot service. This way she is broadening her customer base and providing them with greater choice and she knows that she can change how traffic is directed if she chooses to.

The above examples highlight what will be possible with GTM. I'm sure you can think of other scenarios where the GTM service would be of tremendous value.

So, what about the cost? There is an annual membership fee of $149 and the autoship packages are $29.95 per month (you can of course have more than one). I believe these are reasonable charges and the company is keen to make sure that if you are willing to make some effort you will see the rewards.

GTM is still in pre-launch but membership numbers are growing strongly so now would be a good time to join. For an overview video go here and for more in-depth information you can try here. Let me know if you have any questions as I am keen to make a success of this for anyone who joins me.

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