Global Traffic Matrix makes me look an idiot...

To be totally frank my sceptic antenna is highly primed regarding any business opportunity that comes online nowadays as most promise much but deliver nothing. Being honest I didn't think that Global Traffic Matrix would buck that trend as it does come with a lot of the usual hype that is found with MLM type business opportunities.

As I mentioned in a previous post the only reason I decided to see what it was all about was because it was recommended to me by someone whose opinion I trust and who had already signed up. Fair enough I thought let's give it a spin and see what turns up...

Well, as of today I'm pretty impressed and I can see that there is definitely some potential here. I'm not someone that already has what's somewhat worryingly called a 'warm list' and I knew I didn't want to approach friends and family with this offering until I'd had more solid evidence of what it could do.

I purchased a co-op package (these are now unavailable until after the US Labor Day on 07 September) which is designed to provide quality leads to me that I could follow up with. That was a few days ago and today the leads have started to appear. To ensure that you make the contact in the right away you can also download from Global Traffic Matrix email content to send out that introduces yourself and provides an opportunity for the lead to find out more.

So, was my initial scepticism wrong about Global Traffic Matrix? Whilst it's a little early to say definitively one way or the other I'm impressed by the way in which the leads are turning up at regular intervals and, these are designed to be examples of what will happen when the whole programme goes live, then I could end up pleasantly surprised. If you would like to learn more then take a look at what Global Traffic Matrix have to offer (it won't cost a thing to look!).

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