Gold Nugget Invest dodge the brickbats…

As we came out of 2009 Gold Nugget Invest looked in pretty poor shape. They had money frozen in a bank account and withdrawals at the end of the year had been much higher than anticipated. Drastic measures were needed and fair play to the owners they didn’t shy away from the challenges they faced. Rather than close the programme down they re-structured and created a new monthly plan which they felt would provide a realistic path forward.

So, where are we now then? I’ve just visited the member forum and I’m somewhat disappointed to read the tone of a lot of the posts. Rather than read tolerant supportive posts I found that many people were exhibiting a highly negative attitude to what happened and what is happening now.

Is a 16% monthly return such a bad thing? We’re coming up to a critical period as withdrawals will be activated from 01 to 07 March. This will prove one way or the other whether Gold Nugget Invest have a future ahead of them. Hopefully all the negative voices will be silenced and we’ll be able to return to regular returns that far outstrip anything you can find on the high street.

Sometimes I get the feeling that people who have been investing online for some time become blasé about the level of returns they should expect from any particular source. In reality of course no-one should be complacent about just what it takes to make any sort of decent return as most of us wouldn’t know where to start if it was down to us. Sure, we provide our hard earned money for others to use but we know that nothing is guaranteed.

It’s far too early to make judgement on Gold Nugget Invest and until we have more evidence either way any verdict can only be speculation.

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