Guy in Mumbai

These are some photographs from a recent trip to Mumbai, India. This is one intense city with a population of approximately thirteen million people.

Clearly, this is not Santa Cruz, California. This is the view you'll most frequently see when you're driving around the city. It can take two hours to go a few kilometers.

This is the very kind Netra Parikh of Pinstorm who took me around.

Gateway of India

Working being done on the Gateway.

These are the boats that take you to an island off the Gateway.

This hotel faces the Gateway.

This is the lowest tunnel I've ever driven through.

Outside the Mumbai jail.

There was a religious festival called Ganesh Chaturthi happening while I was there. First you push your way past these barriers.

Then you stand in this long line.

Vendors selling flowers and food along the path.

Then for about five seconds you get to the front, hand these folks a flower or pastry, and get pushed out of the way.

Playing Frogger to get across the street.

This is my favorite place in Mumbai: Dhobi Ghat. It is the largest outdoor laundry in the world. I cannot understand how they can wash this much laundry and get them back to the right owners. As far as I could tell, there was no RFID or barcode system.

Mumbai marketing: not even cement is a commodity item if properly marketed.

Mumbai version of Kids come up and try to sell you the latest bestsellers for $1 or so. I fully expected to see my latest book, Reality Check, already there.

Two sacred cow(asakis) on the streets of Mumbai. Look at the two guys in the middle of the picture laughing at the dumb American tourist.

Thanks to the folks at Fixmyphotos for enhancing my photos.

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