Has Imperia Invest really just been in hiding?…
The other day I was looking at the logs for who visited my site and the posts that were the most popular. It was something of a surprise to me to see that both Imperia Invest and Global Pension Plan are still very popular searches. I’d decided that I would write another post in the belief that we really all should move on now as both these programmes are dead and buried.
And then…
Today I received a comment on a previous post that purports to breathe some life into the Imperia Invest saga. Part of the comment was:
We are sorry but we had to take down the website in a hurry. Rest assured that the court order is not affecting Imperia Invest IBC as we are outside its jurisdiction.
All funds for payout have been transferred to the banks. We are not involved anymore. Payout starts beginning 2013. There is a delay requested by the banks. They will start January 2013.
Remember that ONLY members with debit cards will be receiving payout. You can order the debit card only until end of December. Then the banks start sending the cards and NO MORE debit card can be ordered…
Now before we all go jumping in the air TAKE A DEEP BREATH!!!!
This has the smell of fraud about it to me. Later in the email it says:
This offer is only good until end of December 2012.
If you want the discount and special upgrade prices, send the payment and your acc info to this specific Liberty Reserve account set up for the discounted cards :
In closing we are glad that a successful completion of our program is upon us….
So, to me it seems that someone is trying to draw out yet more money from Imperia Invest members. Why do I say this? Well, firstly this is the first time I have seen this email and have not received it directly in my email account. Secondly, there is a new Liberty Reserve account number quoted. One big Red Flag as far as I am concerned.
Ever the optimist I’m always keen to know if there is any hope of either Imperia Invest or Global Pension Plan actually paying out but my head prompts me to have more sense. What do you think?
You are reading copy originally published by John Murphy at Online Investing Guru . I hope you enjoy the content and visit my site, Online Investing Guru, for more information. October 16, 2012 5:27 pm
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