HCI25 report less than 500 policies left...

In previous posts I've mentioned that HCI25 are not the most efficient communicators in the world, in fact they seem to operate in something of a vacuum and every now and again popping above the parapet to make a short update.

True to form the latest news is pithy to say the least, however there is an important piece about the number of policies remaining to be sold in their Reverse Pension Plan (RPP). Having carried out a review of all policies sold and removing any that they feel are suspect they now have only just over 400 policies left to sell before the program is closed.

If you have been sitting on the sidelines waiting for something to happen then now may be a good time to buy.

For those who haven't heard of HCI25 before then you need to take a look to learn more. You can purchase a maximum of 15 policies person at $45 each. For this you will receive in the region of $78,000 per policy. Please note that Swiss, German or Italian are not eligible to take part.

You can buy policies using Liberty Reserve or c-gold. Please make sure you read all the terms and conditions closely so that you understand everything about things work before you buy as there is no refund policy.

There are other investment plans available at HCI25 and they do have a track record of paying out.

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