me2everyone is ready to appoint Customer Care Managers...

It seems that the vast majority of online investing opportunities suffer from many of the frustrations and inconveniences that offline businesses do. However, online opportunities are visible to a much wider audience and can therefore be subjected to immediate vilification if things don't happen as quickly as people expect.

To some extent this has happened to me2everyone. Launched some months ago in a blaze of publicity it gained members very quickly and then earlier this year the momentum seemed to slow down somewhat.

However, whilst there have been significant changes in corporate structure and strategy work has been going on in the background. I know this for a fact as I have been involved in helping to create a database of potential me2everyone Customer Care Managers (CCM).

The idea is that me2everyone will have a global network of CCM's who will be looking after individual members.

I have been reluctant to showcase me2everyone previously as the progress being made was somewhat lacklustre but there are now definite signs that things are going in the right direction.

If you sign up as a member you receive 2,000 free shares and you will have access to what will become the next generation of social networking sites. For those who want to exploit opportunities further you can learn all about what else is planned in the short and medium term. me2everyone isn't there yet but at least definite progress is being made.

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