My Behavioral Science, Design, and Business Book Reading List
As I was gathering my thoughts for my Inside Nudging project (, a project that I envision tying together the application of behavioral science in business contexts and providing more of an inside look at innovation, strategy and implementation, I wanted to take stock of books that have probably influenced (liberally interpreted) the way I look at behavioral science.
Perhaps you’ll find something of here of interest to you for your weekend read. I am also open to getting more book recommendations. Thanks!
Psychology, Behavioral Economics and Finance
- Drunk Tank Pink (Alter)
- Predictably Irrational (Ariely)
- The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty (Ariely)
- The Upside of Irrationality (Ariely)
- Save More Tomorrow (Benartzi and Lewin)
- The Smarter Screen (Benartzi and Lehrer)
- Thinking Smarter (Benartzi and Lewin)
- Risk Savvy (Gigerenzer)
- Stumbling on Happiness (Gilbert)
- The Why Axis (Gneezy and List)
- The Happiness Hypothesis (Haidt)
- The Righteous Mind (Haidt)
- Decisive (Heath and Heath)
- Made to Stick (Heath and Heath)
- Thinking, Fast and Slow (Kahneman)
- Dance with Chance (Markridakis and Hogarth)
- The Irrational Economist (Michel-Kerjan and Slovic)
- Scarcity (Mullanainathan and Shafir)
- Democracy Despite Itself (Oppenheimer and Edwards)
- Irrational Exuberance (Shiller)
- Simpler (Sunstein)
- Misbehaving (Thaler)
- Nudge (Thaler and Sunstein)
- Hooked (Eyal)
- Designing with the Mind in Mind (Johnson)
- The Design of Everyday Things (Norman)
- Envisioning Information (Tufte)
- Designing for Behavior Change (Wendel)
- Design-Driven Innovation (Verganti)
Business and Strategy
- Negotiating Rationally (Bazerman and Neale)
- Freakonomics (Dubner and Levitt)
- Blink (Gladwell)
- The Tipping Point (Gladwell)
- Yes! (Goldstein, Martin, and Cialdini)
- Blue Ocean Strategy (Kim and Mauborgne)
- Insurance & Behavioral Economics (Kunreuther, Pauly, and McMorrow)
- Behavioral Economics and Policy Design: Examples from Singapore (Low)
- Drive (Pink)
- Absolute Value (Simonson and Rosen)
- Wisdom of Crowds (Surowiecki)
- The Pyramid Principle (Minto)
- The Sense of Style (Pinker)
On My Future Reading List
- The Power of Noticing (Bazerman)
- Happy Money (Dunn)
- Switch (Heath and Heath)
- Irrationality in Health Care (Douglas Hough)
- The Art of Choosing (Iyengar)
- The Organized Mind (Levitin)
- King William’s Tontine (Milevsky)
- The Marshmallow Test (Mischel)
- Antifragile (Taleb)
- Read original article.
- 2145 reads