No time to lose for early 2009 payment...
I've recently learned about a programme that is filling very quickly and if you act now you could be in line for an early 2009 payment.
Details are at Thirty Dollar Unit and you'll probably not be surprised to know that the cost is $30 per unit!
They are close to completing the 30,000 needed and the likelihood is that payment will be made in the 1st Quarter of 2009. For each unit you purchase you will receive $12,500 (this can be higher if you refer others).
If this is the first time you've heard about Thirty Dollar Unit then I would appreciate it if you could make me your referrer. If this is of interest then please send me an email to 4mywealth AT with subject line 'Thirty Dollar Unit'.
Please note that payment is only available via Alertpay so if you don't have an account there then you can open one very quickly and use a credit card to purchase units.
As I always say there are no guarantees in the world of online investing but I do recognise quite a few names of people who are members so I'm willing to take a chance.
If you are not lucky enough to get in on this opportunity it looks as though a new tranche will be opened once this one pays out.
Details are at Thirty Dollar Unit and you'll probably not be surprised to know that the cost is $30 per unit!
They are close to completing the 30,000 needed and the likelihood is that payment will be made in the 1st Quarter of 2009. For each unit you purchase you will receive $12,500 (this can be higher if you refer others).
If this is the first time you've heard about Thirty Dollar Unit then I would appreciate it if you could make me your referrer. If this is of interest then please send me an email to 4mywealth AT with subject line 'Thirty Dollar Unit'.
Please note that payment is only available via Alertpay so if you don't have an account there then you can open one very quickly and use a credit card to purchase units.
As I always say there are no guarantees in the world of online investing but I do recognise quite a few names of people who are members so I'm willing to take a chance.
If you are not lucky enough to get in on this opportunity it looks as though a new tranche will be opened once this one pays out.
- Read original article.
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