Shortcut Bulletin brings together great ideas...

If you have been interested in making an additional income you will probably have come across several newsletters or websites that provide advice and help. Some are little more than glorified sales pages but one or two do provide better value and can give you a helping hand in finding something that you might be interested in looking into further.

One of these value added services is Shortcut Bulletin from Agora Publishing. The editor is Glenn Fisher and he comes across as enthusiastic and knowledgeable. There are two main services, firstly an email newsletter that gets delivered to your inbox on a regular basis. Generally they are short and to the point so it doesn't take long to absorb what is written.

Secondly, there is also a published newsletter that is issued monthly and which contains a range of articles covering subjects as diverse as creating a website, copywriting or sports advisory services. Many of the contributors are well known in their field so the advice you get is up to date and reliable.

The email newsletter is free whereas the publication requires a subscription. Now, bear in mind that Glenn's raison d'etre is to sell the products and services he writes about so keep an open mind when reading any article and do your own due diligence before parting with any cash. Having said that services like Shortcut Bulletin do provide a way for those who are looking for additional sources of income to focus in on opportunities quickly and easily.

By the way one service that they report on in the July edition may be of interest. If you have a stack of books lying around and feel like helping the planet then head over to greenmetropolis where you can sell them to others.

I will be reporting on other offerings of this type in future posts so please don't accuse me of bias just yet!

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