Steve Shu's Blog
A Bread and Butter Method for Identifying the Right Organizational Structure
A common approach is to identify different options for organizational structure and then analyze tradeoffs (e.g., pros and cons or degree attractiveness by objective). That said, I wanted to share another perspective that has carried me a long way. It is the concept of first identifying strategy and second aligning structure.
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A Helicopter View of a Management Consulting Proposal
I’ve often been asked by new consultants to provide insights on structuring a proposal. Here’s a conceptual, high-level summary of a typical proposal:
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A Couple of Perspectives for Consultants on Startup Consulting
Startup consulting is a challenging thing to do. Some considerations:
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How Do Behavorial Scientists Think We Should Deal With Reason And Emotion In Our Decisions?
The balancing act is tricky, and I think context and desired outcomes matter. For example:
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What Could Be the Relationship Between Design, Behavioral Sciences and Innovation?
One concept that I describe in my recent book, Inside Nudging: Implementing Behavioral Science Initiatives, draws from Roberto Verganti. He uses the term, “Design-Driven Innovation.” I re-coin the concept as “Meaning-Driven Innovation” to ease the explanation a bit. The concept is that in order to innovate under such a framework, one needs to change the relationship between the product or service and the end user.
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Wilde Agency Interview With Steve Shu: Nudging, Behavioral GRIT & The Effort It Takes
The Wilde Agency graciously interviewed me regarding behavioral economics and
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I’ve finally released Inside Nudging: Implementing Behavioral Science Initiatives
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Inside Nudging: Implementing Behavioral Science Initiatives to be released in June 2016
My new book, Inside Nudging: Implementing Behavioral Science Initiatives, will be released in June 2016.
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New Resolutions and Fresh Starts
As we approach the year-end, I wanted to share some thoughts from my book, The Consulting Apprenticeship: 40 Jump-Ideas for You and Your Business. It is a technique that I’ve seen a number of operating companies and management consulting firms use effectively. I’ve usually called it the Spring Cleaning technique, to connote a sense of renewal that often comes with the pastime of cleaning and refreshing a home early- to mid-year. That said, the technique can really be applied at any time of year.
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