Surefire Trader going the extra mile for clients...

It must be about three months now since I purchased a copy of Surefire Trader and since then quite a bit has happened. As inevitably happens when I purchase a new system (or so it seems) the performance of the system fell below what was originally anticipated and I thought I'd be reaching once more for my refund request email.

However, the system admin readily acknowledged the poor performance without any prompting from clients and made it clear that he would be looking to find ways to overcome the problems. This response was somewhat unusual and for me somewhat heartening as we weren't going to be left to our own devices to try and sort things out.

So, I decided to hold off on the refund request and see how things developed. Very quickly a variation of the Surefire Trader system was sent to all clients with a view to increasing the system success. As previously the system author sent out regular emails updating people on the performance he was achieving.

Even with the alternative strategy it was still felt that results were less than optimum so the owner kept issuing updates as to what else he and his team were doing to improve things.

As it turns out all the effort has produced a spreadsheet that helps to identify the market sentiment and hence which way to trade and also clearer guidelines on when trading should be undertaken. The new information has been tested over the results of several months and the author of Surefire Trading is confident that by applying these new guidelines clients will be profitable going forward.

Unfortunately Surefire Trader is not available at the moment but if you go to the site you will have an opportunity to provide your name and email address so that when it becomes available again you can take advantage.

There are not many systems that provide such a good service as this one so I would recommend you signing up now in order to be notified when it becomes available again. There is a 30 day money back guarantee (which is honoured) so you can try it to see if it suits your own circumstances.

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