The BetonMarkets Trading Portal...
One of my preferred online investing methods is Fixed Odds Trading. The website BetonMarkets provides the platform for this service. Today I want to delve a little deeper into this service so you will be able to appreciate the type of opportunity that BetonMarkets offers.
The company behind the website is located in Hong Kong and trades as Regent Pacific Group Ltd. They report increasing business with a turnover of £200M achieved in the UK achieved recently. The US gambling laws prohibit the company trading in the US but this does not seem to have slowed the growth that the company has experienced.
For those who know little aboutBetonMarkets the best way to describe it is as a trading portal where you as an investor place trades where you know both the potential amount you will win and also the maximum amount you will lose if the trade fails. This means that trading can be controlled in a much more relaxed manner.
There are many types of trade to choose from, No Touch and Barrier Range trades are amongst the most popular. They run for a fixed period and depending on how long this is will determine the potential return from the trade. You can trade on market indices and forex currency pairs. There is a lot of choice so if you believe you can predict how your favoured market or currency will move then there is good potential for profit.
Whilst BetonMarkets provides a user friendly platform they also allow you to open a dummy account where you can practice your trading to see if it is successful. Once you are confident you can fund your account and trade for real. As with all types of trading you should only use money that you do not need for everyday living. There is clearly a risk of loss if your trade fails and given the nature of fixed odds trading you often have to wager a proportionately large amount of money to win, and it doesn't always work.
One of the convenient things about BetonMarkets is that it can be funded in several different ways including credit card, bank transfers, bank wires and e-bullion.
Now, if you don't feel confident enough about making your own predictions you can click on the Community tab followed by the Web Ring link. This will bring up around 30 different options of services that claim to make you a profit. If you'd like to know the ones I recommend then drop a comment on this post...
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