The quandary that HCI25 presents…

An email was issued today from the CEO of HCI25. This is something of a departure from normal communications as most updates are published directly on the website rather than sent to individuals. So, it must suggest that extraordinary measures are being taken with this approach.

In fact the email is fairly typical of those from HCI25 in as much as there is a fairly robust defence of how they are performing and only fairly imprecise details of when payments may likely start.

At the beginning of 2010 there was something of a furore when the company attempted to pass off some photos as having been taken at the first investment seminar whereas there was evidence that the photos were of a completely different event. Whatever the rationale it did not go down well with the membership.

Episodes like these have not shown HCI25 in a good light and they do struggle to convince people that they are genuine. Putting forward a strong rebuttal of all the negative commentary the latest email could make people think a little and perhaps give the HCI25 team a little more time to prove their claims about payments and when they will start.

There is some optimism in the update and hopefully this will be fully realised in a realistic timescale.

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