Top Non-U.S. Dollar Money-Managers
It's that time of year again...
Each year at this time, I start to prepare my multiple presentations for the grandest offshore investment conference of the year -- The Sovereign Society's Total Wealth Symposium in Panama City, Panama, from May 2 to May 5.
Without a doubt, Panama is where global investors, international estate planners and privacy advocates converge for a fabulous four-day intensive on everything offshore from A to Z. It's by far one of my favorite events of the year. And this year, we've got a great lineup of global speakers.
As part of my presentation schedule in May, I'll be plugging some of the world's top-performing offshore non-U.S. dollar mutual funds denominated in euro, Swiss francs, Canadian dollars, British sterling and Norwegian krone. Although most of the world's best-performing money-managers are indeed based in dollars, even offshore, there's a growing list of non-dollar advisor's with spectacular track records since the advent of the euro in January 1999. I'll review and recommend several stellar mutual funds that have smashed their benchmarks with ease over the last five and ten years -- and all of them require a minimum investment of just $1,000 or less.
Over the last two years, I've noticed a surge in interest from global investors looking to diversify away from the U.S. dollar. And it's not just Americans, either; many Canadians, Australians and even Brits are looking to park some of their money outside of their base currency for diversification purposes.
The latest data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) this morning will only fortify this argument, especially for U.S. dollar-based investors.
The U.S. dollar has declined to its lowest share of global foreign-exchange reserves in at least eight years as central banks accelerate their purchases of euro. When the euro began trading in 1999, it accounted for 18.1% of central bank holdings; today that percentage has surged to 25.8%. Meanwhile, the dollar as a percentage of central bank reserves stands at 64.7% versus almost 100% in 1970.
More than ever, going global and investing in multiple currencies for long-term capital growth is vital. In Global Mutual Fund Investor, now in its 15th year, I'll be surveying the best long-term non-U.S. dollar mutual funds in April.
And, of course, I'll tell you which non-dollar offshore mutual funds offer the best upside next month in Panama. Hope to see you there!
Have a great weekend.
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