How to Change the World

Tell me your personal stories of enchantment

Tell me about a time when you experienced the power of enchantment. You can post it here. People love to read this kind of story!

Get a free copy of @GuyKawasaki's first book, The Macintosh Way

If you’d like to get a free copy of my first book, The Macintosh Way, just go here.

How to Make and Flipboard Rock

In the last few weeks two companies have released services that enable you to take tweets and turn them into a newspaper or magazine format: and Flipboard.

Need example of a personal story of enchantment

I would like to include a few personal stories of enchantment in my next book. I am looking for examples of how people, products, services, organizations, ideas, or causes swept you off your feet.


  • Written from your personal experience, not an external, academic view.

  • 150-200 words

  • Ideally, all the basics would be in your essay: who, what, when, why, and how.

As an example, here is how something enchanted me:

Best Twitter Client for IPhone and iPad

After searching for months, I’ve come to the conclusion that Twitbird is the best iPhone and iPad Twitter client. If you’d like to see why, check out my post at the American Express Open Forum.

How to get a free copy of my first book, The Macintosh Way

Information wants to be free, and I just freed some. I got the rights back for my first book, The Macintosh Way, and I’ve made it available for free here. Hope that you find it useful.

How to Find Freedom

Let me confess: I’m addicted to Twitter and email, and my addiction increases the more I have to do something important like write a book. Luckily, I stumbled across two applications that really help. I explain how they works here at the American Express Open Forum. If you’re have a tough time prying yourself away from online fun, they could really help.

Examples of Enchanting Things

In the comments area below, please tell me some things that you find enchanting. For example: Car—1966 Mustang, Computer—Macintosh, City—Istanbul, Movie—Wizard of Oz, etc. I’m looking for a wide range of categories and examples. Thanks!

Why too much money is worse than too little

Many entrepreneurs believe that they key to success is adequate (or more) capital. I think they’re wrong—too much money is worse than too little. It’s because spending expands to the level of money that you’ve raised. I explain the hazards of too much money for the American Express Open Forum. Read it by clicking here.

Happiness explained by @Zappos

Whether you love shoes or not, you’ve got to admire the job that Tony Hsieh and the rest of the Zappos gang has done. I got a chance to interview Tony during the book tour for his new tome. in our interview he explains the keys to happiness in life and business while being Asian-American. Check out what he has to say here.